Rules & Regulations
If you apply online you will be asked to sign a form at the show agreeing to the following terms & conditions
Hallettsville Market Days is held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 321 Highway 77 South, Hallettsville, Texas 77964. In order to participate, all vendors must agree to the following provisions by signing below:
1. Hallettsville Market Days LLC and the Knights of Columbus reserve the right to remove any vendor at any time for any violation of the rules and regulations set forth on this and the following pages.
2. All fees are non-refundable.
3. Under no circumstances can lessee sublease booth space.
4. In consideration of the use of one or more spaces by the undersigned vendor participating in Hallettsville Market Days, the undersigned agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Hallettsville Market Days LLC and the Knights of Columbus against all liabilities, claims, suits, or demands for injuries to any person and or property arising out of the undersigned’s participation in such activity. The undersigned further agrees to assume all financial responsibility, including but not limited to damages to property or injuries to persons, arising out of the vendor’s participation in Hallettsville Market Days.
5. No vendor shall sell fireworks, pornography, offensive pictures, clothing or signage with offensive verbiage, silly string, stink bombs, illegal items, items that infringe upon registered trademarks or any item that would harm the property or the reputation of the Knights of Columbus.
6. Booth assignments will be on a first-paid registration basis. I have read all the rules above and on the attached page and agree to abide by them.
Hallettsville Market Days is held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 321 Highway 77 South, Hallettsville, Texas 77964. In order to participate, all vendors must agree to the following provisions by signing below:
Times & Set-Up
We advertise that vendors are doing business between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. You may start setting up your booth at 6:00 a.m. and should be completely set up by 9:00 a.m. Your prepaid space will be held until 8:00 a.m. If you are not in your space by that time or if you have not informed us that you are going to be late, we will assume that you are not coming and will resell your space and you will not be entitled to any refund.
Returned Check Policy
Any returned checks unpaid for insufficient funds or any other reason will be charged $25.00 plus any other applicable fees.
Space Renewals & Reservations
Hallettsville Market Days LLC will accept reservations with payment mailed to P.O. Box 128, Hallettsville, Texas, 77964 from vendors that want to reserve a space for any future Market Days. Vendors must sell out of their booths only. Positively no soliciting allowed outside your booth. You may not sublet your space. All rentals must be handled through Hallettsville Market Days LLC.
Space Renewals & Reservations
Hallettsville Market Days LLC will accept reservations with payment mailed to P.O. Box 128, Hallettsville, Texas, 77964 from vendors that want to reserve a space for any future Market Days. Vendors must sell out of their booths only. Positively no soliciting allowed outside your booth. You may not sublet your space. All rentals must be handled through Hallettsville Market Days LLC.
All vendors must complete the application and sign the release and indemnification agreement and rules. Applications, payment of fees and applicable permits must be given to Hallettsville Market Days LLC BEFORE you set up.
Electricity Policy
Electricity will be offered on a limited basis for $10 per 10’ X 10’ booth space in addition to your booth rental fee. You must bring your own heavy duty extension cord. Cords may not cross walkways. Do not overload outlets. Do not use more than normally used on one household outlet.
Sales Tax Numbers
The State Comptroller of Public Accounts requires you to have a sales tax number and to pay sales tax. The tax rate for Hallettsville and Lavaca County is currently 8.25%. Be sure to include your number on the application and a copy of your permit for our files. It is your responsibility to file sales tax returns and pay all sales tax due. If you have any questions about sales tax, call the Texas State Comptroller at (800) 252-5555 or visit their website at
Food Sales Permits
The Texas Department of Health requires food vendors to obtain permits. A food vendor will not be allowed to set up without the proper permit. Original permits must be displayed in the vendor's space. Please provide a copy to Hallettsville Market Days prior to setting up at the show. To inquire about food permits, requirements or exceptions, call the Texas Department of Health at (512) 834-6626 or visit their website at The State of Texas occasionally sends representative to Market Days to verify sales tax and food permits.
Animals & Pets Policy
The Knights of Columbus do not allow dogs, cats or other pets at their facility, with the exception of service animals.
Product Limits & Regulations
No sale is permitted of fireworks, pornography, offensive pictures, silly string, stink bombs, illegal items, items that infringe upon registered trademarks or any item that would harm the property or the reputation of the Knights of Columbus. Hallettsville Market Days LLC reserves the right to limit the number of booths of the same product. A photograph of your items must be included with your Application for Booth Rental, for approval.
Clean Up
It is your responsibility to ensure your space is clean and orderly before leaving. Trash containers are provided for your use. Failure to clean your space may result in a clean-up fee or the vendor may be prohibited from participating in future Hallettsville Market Days events.
Vendors will have limited access for unloading of vehicles. Vehicles will be forbidden within the vendors areas from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Vendors should not park their vehicles in the first three rows of the parking lot so they may be available for shoppers. Violation of any of the Hallettsville Market Days Rules and Regulations, under the discretion of Hallettsville Market Days LLC or the Knights of Columbus shall result in the termination of your permit and a request to leave the event.